Мероприятия АВОК
Конференции, выставки, и другие крупные мероприятия, проводимые АВОК
Dear colleague, dear expert, we would like to draw your attention to the 3rd International Congress AirVent-2020, which will take place in Moscow, Russia, February 12, 2020, and will be hosted by international exhibition Aquatherm Moscow 2020 and co-organized by Russian HVAC Society ABOK, Reed Exhibitions and Hyve Group.
The main topics of the congress AirVent-2020:
The largest professional associations and organizations support the Congress: Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations (REHVA), American Society of Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), European Association of Indoor Climate Industry (EUROVENT), Association of German Manufacturers of Heating Equipment (BDH), An industry association of German manufacturers of air conditioning and ventilation equipment (Gebäude-Klima eV), China Heating Association research, ventilation and air conditioning (CCHVAC), Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy).
Authoritative foreign and Russian representatives of the professional community are invited to the congress with reports on global problems of the development of environmental engineering, the practical implementation of engineering ideas, and integral working together with the architects to deliver integrated sustainable design buildings
Marianna Brodach
Professor at Moscow architectural institute (State Academy) vice-president ABOK
Smart and carbon free cities and NZEB
Iurii A. Tabunshchikov, professor, President ABOK
President of the Russian Association of Engineers for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermophysics “ABOK”, Head of the Department of the Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Professor, Academician of the Russian State Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, ASHRAE Fellow, REHVA, VDI Corresponding Member. He was awarded a personal diploma of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for his contribution to the work, following which IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for efforts to study and disseminate knowledge about global climate change as a result of human life and the development of fundamental activities, preventing these changes.
From technical building quality to financial performance: data analytics.
Frank Hovorka, President of The Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning associations (REHVA)
New Engineering Technologies to Solve Environmental Problems
History of the legislation: Approved Laws, Emission Limits, Carbon emission Information. What it means to us and you. Alternate Approaches
Alexander Gutkin , ABOK member, PE, LEED AP – Partner AKF group
Integrated Design: Working together to face a growing global challenge
Anis Abou-Zaki, Foster + Partners, Partner Environmental Design and Sustainability, BArch, MSc(EDE), MOEA (LBN), LEED AP
Humanity is facing serious global issues; unless we all join forces and face it together future generations will be left with major life changing challenges. The presentation will provide an overview of the current context and will discuss evolving methodologies and collaborations, highlighting the importance of integrated design in the building industry.
European Success story: Condensing boiler, Energy management system, Fuel cell & green gases
Andreas Lücke , General Executive Manager, BDH
Four years ago, it was in 2015 in Paris, the international community agreed on the climate protection agreement: Keeping the global temperature rise this century below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In September 2019, Russia joined the Climate Agreement as have the individual member states of the EU. The participation in the climate protection process is very important for Russia. Eurasians of the northern hemisphere use approximately 1/3 of their energy consumption for space heating and the provision of hot water. Consequently, heating is by far the largest energy consuming sector in Europe and Asia. The presentation will illustrate the importance of the "heating market" particularly shown in the consumption of energy for space heating and hot water, also for ventilation and cooling in the EU. It will give an overview over the existing modern technologies for an energetic modernization of existing building, in particularly of the obsolete installations to reach the ambitious cli-mate targets. Another focus will be on the success story of the introduction of the Energy Labelling Scheme in 2015 in the EU. By explaining the state-of-the-art technologies “gas condensing boiler” as well as the relative new technologies Fuel cells, hybrids and green gases combined with smart energy management systems the presentation will show the readiness of the heating market to contribute to the re-duction of CO2 emissions.
Solutions for residential ventilation
Günther Mertz , Managing Director of Association of Air-Conditioning and Ventilation in Buildings FGK
Especially in well insulated residential buildings we have high requirements concerning Indoor Air Quality, humidity and hygienic aspects. Window ventilation normally can not fulfil these requirements, mainly not in wintertime with low outside temperature. Due to energy saving and hygienic aspects mechanical ventilation systems deliver the right solution. The market offers a lot of different central and decentralised systems – they will be shown in this presentation.
Indoor Air Quality & Energy Efficiency of Ventilation Systems
Hüseyin M. Yüksel, Representative & Regulatory Affairs Manager, Eurovent Certita certification
Energy efficiency (EE) is a well-established and still improving key parameter to be accounted for in building design. Nowadays, focus is moving from product-performance to system-performance. On the other hand, the importance of indoor air quality (IAQ) which is gaining more and more awareness of general population, is rising. Eurovent Certita Certification is developing a certification programme to show the performance of a ventilation-system component working within the system, while taking IAQ into account as well. This programme will allow decision makers to “see” the consequences of their choice before selecting the product.
Features of heating and ventilation systems. How to protect consumer interests
Alexander N. Kolubkov, Vice-president ABOK, Head of PPF "AK", ABOK Premium member
HVAC concept for an energy-efficient office in Moscow
Mikhail Malygin, Chief Project Engineer MEP Systems LLC & Project Manager LLC "CLANCY ENGINEERING"
Analysis of the possible reducing of heat gain in a modern office using more efficient office equipment, recent studies of heat gains from the office PCs. Discussion of the technical requirements of office consultants and coworking operators for HVAC systems, the need of their updating and clarification. Reducing the specific heat gain in the office allows us to use highly efficient HVAC solutions - active beams and radiant ceiling panels. The advantages of radiant ceiling panels compared to the traditional solution for Moscow - 4-pipe fancoils. The ability to periodically use natural ventilation in a modern office.
Vladimir Ustinov, General Director of LLC "Lindab", ABOK Premium member
- Minimal outdoor air flow norms;
- Requirements for installation and commissioning;
- Monitoring of HVAC system performance.
President of the Russian Association of Engineers for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermophysics “ABOK”, Head of the Department of the Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Professor, Academician of the Russian State Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, ASHRAE Fellow, REHVA, VDI Corresponding Member. He was awarded a personal diploma of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for his contribution to the work, following which IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for efforts to study and disseminate knowledge about global climate change as a result of human life and the development of fundamental activities, preventing these changes.